Labour judiciary

PM tells unions legislative amendments to be passed by July 15

28.06.2011 u 18:00


Prime Minister Jadranka Kosor met with leaders of the five union federations on Friday, confirming that legislative amendments would be sent to parliament by July 15 with a view to solving some very important issues for unions and workers, such as the non-payment of salaries and the inauguration of labour judiciary.

Kosor invited the unionists regarding the completion of Croatia's accession negotiations with the European Union, but they also discussed the completion of agreed projects, such as establishment of labour courts and labour judiciary departments, adoption of legislation that would view non-payment of salaries as a crime and prevent employers with outstanding liabilities towards their employees from starting new businesses, and adoption of a general collective agreement.

We congratulated the government on the completion of Croatia's EU entry talks and would be very happy if it tackled economic revival with the same passion, the coordinator of the union federations, Damir Jakus, told the press after the meeting.

We have been assured that the bulk of the agreed projects will be implemented by mid-July and we have been told again that the referendum on Croatia's EU accession will be held together with the referendum for which we collected signatures, Jakus said, referring to a referendum on facilitating conditions for calling referendums, making the requirement 200,000 signatures collected in a month's time.

Bills on the judiciary, labour courts, amendments to the penal code, the criminal procedure act and to labour legislation will be discussed by parliament by July 15, Jakus said, adding another meeting with Kosor would be held next week.